Half of boards are down?

| /u/, /test/, /all/, /burg/ and some others (but not all) return 500 for me. Am I the only one?

| I thought the entire danger/u/ was down and I got scared too

| Whoah you were trapped inside when it shut down I think like that sicp with the IKEA which goes forever… and the /lain/ board allowed your consciousness to survive unlike the others…that says something g/u/rl

| And we are back

| I like to think of myself as having an anti-Pauli aura. In my presence faulty hardware and software starts to work right. Very useful for acceptance testing, but detrimental to troubleshooting issues.

| : D quantum g/u/rl

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1739306079

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