gurls why is the offline world so depressing?

| got disconnected and took a walk since ages, i feel pressured by the sky and the people keep looking at me and push here and there. there seems to be a highly wired brain connected to them where many rules unexplained are taking passive actions in result to my dissonance in the environment I stand in.

| plus my body is always in danger, anything could hurt or take off any of my limbs and maybe even the life itself. who made this mess?

| The world is what it is. Life is just a byproduct of entropy to maximise energy conversion. It was never about being fair and just.

Don’t fight the world, embrace it.

| Or at least that is just my coping mechanism against the fact that a brick can kill me at any second when I am outside

| That’s very true but also our minds are smart and nice and we can make it less killy and scary and it’s a lot better than it was already what with blood tests and safety railings

| I feel the same way. Any time I walk around, a rabid dog could come out and maul me, a car could crash into me, someone could jump me... it's all very tiresome.

| try sex

| never have sex, bad suggestion

| Try kisses and hand holding!

| just never get married

| I like the outside world, but I feel like the indoors comes with me sometimes, and I stay in my own head while I'm out. I'm hoping I'll dissociate less when I have glasses and can see again.

| My glasses helped a lot! I have wire framed big ones which don’t distract me with the frames so much! Glasses on a g/u/rl are very moe too…

| >>1044026 the secret benefit to getting glasses is getting to have my partner choose the cutest frames for me -u-

| Omg omg cute!

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1740059867
