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Some polish rapper just fucked a dog

| Based?

| Based on what?

| I mean,ass is ass

| can't blame him, dog probably looked like the average polish female

| >>4ced13 you are eastern European, or are one genetically to come up with something so foul

| >>998338 canadian more like

| >>998338 as a pole I must admit you're not wrong. Flat asses, or overweight to the point where they look like 50 years old despite being 30. They put on way too much makeup and are overall trying to look like some sort of Kardashian

| They're also fucking asexual. When I want a HJ, they stroke fast without any technique, only to be done with it as if it was punishment. Sex lasts 2 minutes and they act like it's some sort of privilege to do it with them.

| >>de61b3 you have ukrainian women for a reason. enjoy

| >>de61b3 probably because they were all molested by the age of 8 by the village drunk and priest

| I wish be her dog

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1706933238

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