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I wanna get groped

| I just want someone to grab me and feel me up in public, but I'm a guy and guys don't usually do that to other guys that much.

| Society

| yeah

its such a great feelin tho

| Come to the danger/u/ meetup and get groped however you like

| Grope? I prefer Grape!

| i want to get fingered on a train

| >>997745
I'm going to tie you to a radiator and Grape you in the mouth

| >>998303 why specifically tied to a radiator?

| Y'know, for kids!

| >>998328 someone tie me and hug me please:c

| >>998503 okay! *ties you to a tree and then hugs you with(out) your consent*

| >>998558 outside is cold :c but~ *blushes* we can do SM too~

| >>999102 that's the spirit! *licks every exposed part of your body*

| >>999124 wait you can't just lick me xd i will be wet and sick from cold outside ;-;

| >>999346 there's no need to worry about the cold, 'cause I'm going to warm you up in every way! If you know what I mean...

| >>998303 lol old

| >>998328 lol young

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1706962066

This thread is permanently archived