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How do you stop missing your abuser

| He hurt me so badly in so many ways but I can't stop living him and missing him. I feel like there's a hole in my chest. I feel like I'm going crazy I miss him so fucking much

| Stop being retarded

| Learn about stockholm syndrome. You will stop missing him.

| consciously fill the hole with another addiction for the course of approximately two months. the acute phase should stop by then

alternatively, seek a therapist. that's what people should do after having been abused. that shit leaves scars, sis

| keep up the good work OP

| >>997197
a rebound fling can help too

| My ex was suffering from this. I gave her the needed attention and affection (which I loved every part of it) but she always missed her abusing bf. I tried to help her think straight but He was generally on her mind and I had to console her. Then she left with the idea that she wanted to go back to how stuff were so she could "make her mind".

| I get that, but I've learnt to move on since I used to actively seek out abuse from my trauma so I've found a really lovely man who I've been dating for a year who abuses me nicely. I really do love him and I'll never leave.

| >>997299 she should admit that she's a maso

| This ;-;

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1706401511

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