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I would be a slut BUT

| I'm just not hot enough for it tbh. I wanna be slutty but I'm just a kind overweight normal looking dude. Not really that much appeal guys, ya know? I wanna transition at some point though, so maybe I could when I look the part of a girl. Then again, that could be dangerous seeing as transphobes exist and suck.

| Dude??? Penis pic please

| Id rail you you slut

| Get yourself a hot girl avatar in vr chat, and build some confidence to be slutty OP! I believe in you!

| You have the heart of a slut, and that's what counts. <3

| No matter how you look, there will always be a demand for you, trust me. So let's cut to the chase, if you want to be a slut, be a slut, it's your calling in life.

| Thanks everybody! Glad you all think I can do it!

| >>995962 fat faggot kill yourself

| >>995918 yes do the vrchat thing!

| >>995962 You're welcome g/u/rl! Don't be shy, go ahead and be your slutty self!
I truly think we need more sluts in this world.

| i know this isn't going to get a lot of traction on /d/ of all places, but maybe don't define yourself and your personality by the amount of sex you're having

queers out there normalized hypersexuality more than conservatives normalize sexual assault smh.

| >>996064 don't forget to also don't go the other extreme and let yourself become a puritan

| >>996074 on it boss o7

| >>996064 it's not so much that I'm defining myself by those things, rather it's just something I think I'd enjoy doing.

| I love sex.

| >>996108 do it then

| >>996168 I love sluts

| >>995918 >>995982
not gonna lie, the pipeline effect is real. check out some trans-friendly spaces there, make some friends and enjoy being yourself as you want to be.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1705977894

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