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Can someone be mean to me

| I would like someone to be mean and insult me please :3

| you don't really deserve the attention tbh

| Hey OP, you're a cutie!

| >>991183 OP is a dummy wallnut!

| Noooo people being nice to me, how will I cope?! Thank you though! Not what I asked for, but still nice!

| >>991183 Looking peggable as usual today!

| >>991183 You are a faggless one

| Me too please~

| op, you're so pretty! have my babies!

| Turn around and bend over. I can't stand that slappable bitchface of yours any longer

| Ai can moan to you if you would act me as your little pet/doll and too bdsm and lewd things together

| >>991183
I hope you get what you deserve~

| Mmmff thank you... you all are right

| You know what you want right now? My spit in your mouth

| *gropes your butt*
"Meh. But it'll do. Now bend over!"
*Teases your butthole with my dick*
*reaches over to smack your face*
"Say it! Say what you want and I might keep going, bitch."

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1704135233

This thread is permanently archived