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I really want to work at a glory hole for money

| I'm scared of STDs

| same. Honestly I'd suck a bunch of cock for money. Hell if there were legal regulated glory holes I'd totally sign up to be a fuck hole for random strangers.

| Same. I wanna get sluttier but I fear the STDs...

| Imagining being in a higher end "glory hole store" left bent over on to some comfortable cushion just waiting, constant anticipation if naked exposed bottom half is going to be probed, spanked or fucked at any by a random stranger you'll never see the face of. Having the sudden feeling of lube in slid in the hole followed by a thick cock as you get a notice of 20$ put in your pay jar as you feel him speed up, groping your cheeks as you feel him plunge in and out of you.

| dream job tbh

| so be an escort that specializes in 'anonymous' sex.

| Problem with glory hole is that the person could just fucking left instead of paying.

| Just bring your own condoms and demand that he pays in advance. Both problems solved.

| >>981038 pay upfront

| Don't forget the codeword "fuckpref" for 20% off for felliw g/u/rls

| >>981429 only 20% off? i'd suck off any g/u/rl for free

| I'm not gay but getting to suck a juicy donger is getting to suck a juicy donger.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1697857308

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