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its a sad day when even pomu poster has quit this not-hell site.


| remember, stalker-chan from around 2018 is still here

| >>975807 if they werent the ero fic below would be a fic and not an autobiography

| >>975809 my english is little bad, but i don't have anything do with noncon threads.. my threads was mostly about my attention whore of behaviour, feeling of abandon, trying stay in touch when person is offline for months and so.. i feel i have ocd, bpd and some other mental disorders too.. and i feel attracted by people what are somehow narcistic.. but i don't want annoy them or hurt them.. 970346, 942129.. there are some numbers you may know what to do with them..

| noncon things makes me feel disgusted, and people what like or want this kind of idea should die i think..

tbh sometimes i use /u/ as diary or annonymous vent place..

| I love sex.

| >>975827 I love you too <3

| Pomu live in all of us

| You are telling me the one who made the "rape vtuber" thread wasn't pomu fag?

| By the way I'm Pomu de Una familia noble Pomulia

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1695422217

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