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Close, but no prostate orgasm

| I gotta say I don't even give a fuck cause this was still such an intense one, I wore a one piece swimsuit and went to town with one of my hair brushes, had to finish myself off "traditionally" but the craving for more was so intense I couldn't bear spending more than 2 seconds without something slamming in my ass.

All and all 8/10 primo experience ????

| I guess I can't put emojis here but I meant :ok_hand:, not "????"

| hair brush

| :ok_hand:

| >:ok_hand:
are you a discord user?

| Why hair brush, just buy a toy

| or find a boy

| be careful with objects that wasn't designed to be inserted into the anus because you might hurt yourself

| Just buy a dildo at this point, or try penis, it might work

| >>969529 >>969538 porque no las dos?

| wait, g/u/rl, you are using lube, arent you?

| >>969529
This, you won't regret it.

| :okay_hand:

| fucking discord user

| >>969607
Yeah, and latex gloves as wrapping

I share mailbox with 3 people, roomates and landlord, otherwise I'd buy one, no sex shops in the area either or the courage to go to one.

| >>969659
at least you're using lube and wrapping.
Maybe try the produce section of your local grocery store. You'll never look at cucumbers the same way~

| >>969659
And? Neither your roommates or landlord should be touching your mail, and you have no obligation to tell them what's inside. Most websites that sell this stuff will label to from location as an electronics shop or something, too.

| >>969677
I've been considering it but thing is I'm not always in the mood for anal and I know veggies don't stay fresh forever, but GOD I need to try it eventually.

Unless I get more into this or my disposals don't cut it anymore I won't give online shopping too much of a though since I'm kind of paranoid. The brush I got is properly shaped, to put it that way, not an easy find but rest assured I didn't just grab the first thing I saw, had to check a couple stores.

| >>969677 start cooking a lot of cucumber recipees to cover it tho. Greek cucumber salads, fried stuffed cucumber, cucumber sauce, cucumber soup, etc. Don't use the cucumbers you used to stuff yourself tho.

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1692376857

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