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I hate porn

| masterbation is cool, I just hate the way porn feels, and the way it gets stuck in my head. I prefer a mirror

| Porn has become an industry that profits off addiction. Porn is literally designed to get stuck in your head and make you a coomer. I also do not like porn. It's nice to see someone else that actually feels the same.

| >>962417
i kinda feel this

| I love sex.

| Porn is horrible, stop watching it read easypeasy method

| >>962459 I love sex

| >>962442 omg I didnt even consider the industry, theres totally a capitalism element to this!

| >>962442 can't speak for people with poor self control, but I watch porn regularly, fap to it, and doesn't affect me in my day job. If I am busy, I can go a week without watching it and face no withdrawal.

Video game, movie, coffee, sugar, social media are all addictive; if you want to condemn porn industry for profiting from addiction, do the same for all those.

| I'm addicted to you g/u/rls. <3

| I hate porn industry, that's why I only masturbate to drawings

| >>962478 I do also condemn all those...

| >>962517 How is that different?

| >>962519 drawings do not exploit anyone

| They exploit you ¦3c

| >>962518 must be fun at parties

| reeeeeeeee I'll masturbate to any kind of handholding and you'll keep seething all you want, you can't unmake me a degenerate, I'LL BE HORNY, I'LL GET ACCESS TO ANY KIND OF PORN, I'LL MASTURBATE, I'LL BE CULTURED. Being scared of porn your problem, being stuck on an addiction is your problem. I'm an appreciator and I'll get to enjoy my free time with works made by dedicated people.
I'll dedicate and educate myself to ecstasy and I'll get my post masturbation clarity.

| I only use my imagination.

| >>962601 based!

| >>962549
wtf what character is that, i have never seen ¦ before. looks like : and | combined.

| have you tried porn battle royale?

| >Being addicted is your problem
No shit, Sherlock. That's why we don't like it in the first place

| condition yourself to get off from irrational numbers.
after two months you coom after seein pi.

| >>962725 then stop being so easily addicted? Like there are a lot of addictive stuff in the world that you are not addicted to.

| >>962559 oh I'm just delightful

| >>962788 bold of you to assume this is not in a larger pattern of addiction

| oh no we've got a "le supreme mind" just posing without bases and clarity. Be aware of their words filled with void

| >have a porn addiction
>some g/u/rl told "don't be addicted"
>don't be addicted anymore

thanks g/u/rls

| g/u/rls are the best

| >>962818 what's addiction?

| nah, forget that. Just get out from here, this place never used to be about argumenting and calling dumbass this and that for stiff made up by picking short amount of text from posts. This formula derails everything like oil and I hate how likely I've seen it happen.
I see a shitpost with a background of humor first and I see a toxic barrel beside after that just know how to break moods.
I don't want this kind of people hanging around here, the group is already clearly small here.

| It's been so fucking hard enjoying posting here and being chill recently, I want this to stop.

| Honor Abe's Memory:
Make more babies and watch less porn

| I like porn that verges on artistry or technique. But for most, unless I'm in the act porn is pretty alien to me.

The reality is porn is basically everywhere anyway. The only thing that isn't sex is sex these days :/

| >>962818 unironically yes, drugs is addicting yet, you are not snorting one right now. So it's possble to not get addicted to anything if you have self control or the awareness to avoid the substance

Total number of posts: 34, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1688809464

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