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something weird

| Have any of you noticed that when a man gets horny the penis growns adapting to it? what does that mean?

| whats a man?

| >>958969
A miserable little pile of penis.

| >>958978 hot

| Basically the horny brain transmits signals to the body, causing the blood to flow to the penis. More blood in pp = Big pp

| >>959005
Are you saying that if that thing pumps lots of blood into the pp it can grow to infite!!???

| >>959181
if there is infinite blood, then maybe

| >>959316 is this where my blood donations go to?

| But enough talkā€¦ Have at you! *attacks with raging penis boner*


Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1687041537

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