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| Asking doujinkas here how /d/ye all make sure you sell enough for the quota
In terms of quality and quantity

But i guess people usually just spend like 20cent per chapters so

Maybe if you wanna make like thousands weekly... how do you assure your content hits that much?

| How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man!?

| >>951917 once. Which u havent

| mentally insanely cute as always

| >>952063 trap

| You can outsell the quota if you set it for a million + 50k

| >>952171 you havent explain how you make the million yet, smartypants

| >>952207 you haven't asked either

| >>952211 i just did then

| >>951913
Generally you aim to break even, maybe a small profit - enough to do the next one.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1682010142

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