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After two months of talking I told this guy I'm not ready for this

| And he responded "it's been nice knowing you, have a good one". And now I'm blocked. No effort. No pressure applied. I'm devastated.

| What the fuck do you even want

| >>8754fb kys
>>68c7c0 stop dating men. that's really the least worse outcome of what could've happened

| You could've had this discussion IRL (better)
But he made good moves here, sticking to his boundaries while you stuck to yours. It stings but it is the better way. I hope you recover soon, all will be ok

| >>942192
She deserves it for being dumb af

| Why devastated? Sounds like he's the type that treat relationship like a conveyor belt. Not even be friend or keep in touch, it's either having his dick wet or you are worth nothing; the guy jus wan sum fuk. I bet he already have a new person in his mind.

| Was this talking like...in person at all? Or just online?
If it was purely online, it doesn't count anyways.

| Not enough info anyways.

| >>f85909

| >>e821a1 sorry, that stands for "kill yourself"

| >newfags replying by ids instead of post numbers

| ^

| Dems da breaks, some ppl really be like put out or get out. Whatcha gonna do

| I love sex

| >>942204 ^

| >>3e5905 elona

| >says I'm not ready for this, implying that you two aren't meant to be
>the guy leaves you and respects your decision while respect his value

>>942190 is true, what the actual flying fuck do you want gurl

| >>942432
this, so much this.
You turned him down, probably broke his heart, and now you are upset???
what did you think would happen???

Ye, I think alot of men find it painful to interact with people who don't recripocate their feelings.
But to most women in comes across like this post >>942432
> Doesn't want to interact with you unless your dtf.
> respect his value

| >>942588
Not reductionist at all to think of men as only being invested in relationships for the sex.


| women are children

| lmaooo he sounds great whats his @

| >>942196
im sorry no if you talk to someone for 2 fucking months and then suddenly decide you arent ready for a relationship they are fully justified in blocking you. they invested time and emotion and then got basically rebuffed. it isnt a judgement call, its a human defense mechanism and makes perfect sense

| >>942741 what to be defensive about someone not ready to commit to you? Even if you are disappointed by the indecesiveness, there is no need to block the person. Maybe I'm just weird, but I only block people that is annoying or actively make me worry/anxious.

Not to mention that this is just for the earliest stage of relationship. What will happen after the marriage? What if the guy wants a second child, asking OP for it after 2 months and OP said she's not ready?

| >>942756
>after the marriage
Given OP's required time to take a decision, first they would need 40 years of relationship, and another 30 for the first child lmao

| >>942592
have you read this thread at all
have you interacted with men irl
nice fucking bubble you must live in

| After having a crush and being fully invested for 2 months, and then be finally rejected, I probably wouldn't block, but I would probably ghost...

| Aaaaa don't you hate it when girls trick us by acting interested in us (that girl in fucking McDonald's, I was eating and she came next to me and was rubbing my nose out of nowhere when I met her), but when you try to dates them "Sure, I'm inviting some friend of mine" "Okay, I asked the rest the of the group to go with us". This kills all your motivation

| As some friend of mine recently experience and said "Why should I be her psychologist assistant talking with her all day without rewards, I should be paid or I'll gtfo" after talking for months with a girl that was actually dating someone else

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1676987051

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