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i want to be manhandled again

| i miss going out to things in my little black slip dress and meeting some rando and just getting felt up or +

| what's stopping you?

| >>941748
lot of venue closures and massively reduced nightlife in my city because of [insert last 3 years]

| address?

| >>941772
lmao no.

| >>941861 *fucks your mouth*

| >>941917

| stop whoring out and settle down with a nice guy that can do that to you daily

| >complains no one will manhandle her
>won't tell the g/u/rls who want to manhandle her where she is
you're such a tease!
it's only fair we get to pin you against the wall, run our hands over your body and under your dress, touching and teasing you to the brink of delight~

| >>942536
oh god yes

| >>942536 so true. If I were OP I would've doxxed myself and post some nude already smh my head

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1676968109

This thread is permanently archived