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NoFap Diary.

| I decided to last till Saturday without fapping. Why am I doing nofap? Because I masturbated yesterday for over 8 times and I'm still shaking...

Day 1.
I got wet but I'm not going to rub it.. The precum feels warm.

| /d/ being /d/

| roses are red,
violets are blue,
/d/ are /d/

| You can do it, op!

| hooot

| Good luck, frienn. It's not easy but I'm cheering for you

| Glhf

| Day 2.. I fapped twice. Close the thread and ban me.

| Don't desist! Try again to last till Saturday; your objective is closer now, it should be easier.

| >>706760 Thanks. I'll try..

| Why are you so horny OP?

| No use. I fapped today too.
>>706916 I don't know.

| as long as you enjoy yourself that's what matters

| >>706919 I guess sometimes a g/u/rl just need to cum a lot.

| That's my secret cap, I'm always horny.

| I'll fap today too..~

| >>707056 no don't do it! If you fap, you will cum!

| >>707056 Do your best!

| >>707061 >>707144 I'll try today.

| Fapped either way. Nofap is a joke...

| Have sex and have fun.

| >>707808 did you have a plan on what else you'd spend your time with? Because it can leave a surprisingly big hole in your day that has to be filled by something

| >>707873 This. OP, you're probably fapping out of boredom.

| I fap out of love.

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1603530264

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