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Shoujo ramune

| I'm not a lolikon or anything.. but it's pretty hot

| Is this the one i get ip ban for?

| It's pretty good honestly, the animation quality and especially art is top notch. I generally can discern hentai from anime but when I first saw the ice-cream scene out of context I didn't immediately get it.

| I am a lolicon, and I agree, it's pretty good. It's definitely not the best I've seen, but it's got quality animation, some good scenes, and more importantly, good girls. Just a good ass hentai.

| It's because the animation's madw by Mary Jane, rather than Collab Studio or, *gag* that certain tweaking animation-using company.

| Go make a site of your own, lolicons.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1580631013

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