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Bravery Test 01

| If you're brave enough...


| (ΓΌ)

| OP is a coward

| The courage to ask for nudes

| ... How about you, OP? You spineless coward.

| Maybe you want to see my dick pics?

| Bet OP isn't even brave enough to post nudes

| >>402659
Yes <3

| This is not bravery. Also, you first OP.

| Op is coward OP YOU COWARD

| That's some of my pics
I have little more, if you want <3

| >>403221

| Being brave does not mean you should send nudes 2 a random g/u/r/l on Internet.

| >>403745 The cowardest of cowards

| This thread sucks.

| >>403745
It doesn't mean you're brave, just that you aren't a coward.

| >>403900 Cause everybody is being a coward

| I'd send but I don't wanna rn and my dick is passing through a bad period

| Sorry. Can't. I wouldn't want to get banned for CP.

| >>404304 Same i literally can't wait to be 18 so i can post nudes in every /d/ thread!

| >>404304
The hell you babies are doing in here, don't you have school to attend to? GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

| This thread sucks

| >>404381
I always attend school, and do all of my homework. I am a good boy, so please don't "REEEEEEE" on me. It makes me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.

| >>404499 You're a good boy. Stay in school, kid. Also maybe don't go to college until you know what you want to do because it's expensive. But anyways, ignore the reeing, I don't even know why that's a thing.

| >>404600
Thank you. Where I live, you get almost all education free, so I don't think I'll have to worry too much about college expenses. I'll take my free years, an hopefully get straight into a decent job. Thanks for the tip though.

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1536842105

This thread is permanently archived