/d/ is dead

| this is zhe endo

| We can save it if you have sex with me

| /d/ is doujin, duh

| Me shaking my phone really fast at excitement for having sex with you!!!

| Come here g/u/rl :3

| Yay! *rushing to your arms *

| >>1044367
it's /d/icks

| >>1044460 *kisses you and takes you to bed* we are saving /d/!

| Yes! Yes! I want y- er to save /d/ so much!!! Tearing my clothes off crazy style shreds flying all Over feeling you can’t keep my hands off you want you to fuck me so bad aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

| I reward a strong sense of duty, I'll massage your breasts and kiss you gently until you beg me to fuck and we'll cum together as many times as we want
/d/ shall be saved by our unmitigated and unrelenting pleasure

| Oooh I’ve never been touched like this I’m leaning into your soft beautiful hands looking into your beautiful eyes so full of fire-I can’t stand it I’m cumming already just from the way you touch me- I want you all night long- I want to pass out exhausted spooning you

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1740019306
