Femboy g/u/rl

| Hey gurls, remember me?
I posted some photos of this femboy I was mindbreaking a few months ago!
I'm really, really sorry for the lack of updates!

| So, the mindbreak has been completed!
He has turned into a cock-hungry slut, and I spoke to my irl friends group about it... And guess what!?
We are planning a gangbang. I'm going to be hosting it, letting everyone fill this boy with as much cum as possible. I will take a lot of photos for u gurls!

Also, yes, I know I didn't take the photos you g/u/rls requested, but I haven't seen him much lately at all

| try sex

| Have fun! Can't wait to see the photos~ <3

| Omg omg omg!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah have lots of fun And I hope everyone comes a lot is is happy and has great prosperity!

| Is danger/u/ as a whole invited to the gangbang as well?

| Who?

| >>1043897
Can I pleeeeeeeease come? I’ll bring a cake!!

| Everyone is coming

| Omg peak you should make him your boyfriend and keep whoring him out. Free use boy toy boyfriend

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1739694145

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