post your pretty cocks

| Sorry, but my cock is anything but pretty. It's huge, and i do mean huge. Thicker than a large monster energy can. It's as long as my forearm. All covered in thick, grotesque hard veins. It's also uncut so there's a bit of smegma. I mean, cut dicks are suppose to look cuter right? It's also really brown, like melted old chocolate. I'm afraid I cannot post my cock. Consider this a guilty start bump on my part. Just like how my cock bumps into wombs only a quarter of the way in. Ugh.

| :< that sux but you’re still pretty on the inside, and you don’t have to be defined by it if you don wanna g/u/rl

Mine isn’t too scary but it’s still wrinkly and kinda grey instead of a nice pink. Why don’t you post a nice cute thing from your home instead! You could have a cute pair of socks arranged in a heart!

| dam this literally me but not large..wish i had one like that

| 1 pic say a thousand word, post pic OP

| >>7d987e we need pic to know, please OP

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1739729695

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