Post number #1038079, ID: 51a5f9
Why in the hell is wheelchair-bound pussy so damn erotic?! Something about their inability to walk is so alluring and make me want to pick them up and fuck em senseless. I can't believe I don't see people talk about wanting to mess up immobile girl everyday, why wasting time talking about self-proclaim mentally ill girls that are all literally the same instead of spending time breaking in a paralyzed puss?! will normal girls even have a chance?
Post number #1038092, ID: bb4643
is this where I mention VRChat?
Post number #1038120, ID: 4f5b95
oh we're trying to not remind them of how they are hurt
I think it's like if she was so in love with you she fainted and went limp! so cute
But normal girls always have a chance too!! Love normal girls <3
Post number #1038193, ID: 924db1
>>1038092 FR? Is this true chat?
Post number #1038294, ID: d466f5
>>1038193 Gee, a place where paralyzed girls can walk around freely and look how they want? Who knows!
But seriously, most people don't talk about it because 1: it's rude af to talk about people like that, 2: there are vrry, very few of them, and 3: most girls like that have spinal damage, so they have no feeling below the waist.
Post number #1038309, ID: 4f5b95
>>1038294 Good thoughtful post. That’s what I was trying so say about not reminding them! I guess it also makes them feel like their actions are useless because the body is the attraction which is depressing.
Post number #1038331, ID: 924db1
>>1038294 the third point is a huge plus and almost a main point of this thread, But I didn't included in the first post since it hit a cap.
Post number #1038361, ID: 4f5b95
>>1038331 You’ll have to make them feel extra happy otherwise though xD do you have a special love ability to make them feel extra good? Do you think couples where only one partner likes sex can last?
Post number #1038414, ID: 7ca772
>>1038361 isn't that 90% of couple anyway? The fact that she doesn't feel it probably make it less uncomfortable for her tbh
Post number #1038539, ID: 4f5b95
>>103841 that’s why I asked! I was trying to trick the disabled into revealing the secret of lasting love!
I think it’s the respect and love for each other outside of horny, and just enjoying the horny while it lasts. NOT having sex and having fun!!!!! >:) I’m evil!!!!
Post number #1038540, ID: 4f5b95
>>103841 that’s why I asked! I was trying to trick the disabled into revealing the secret of lasting love!
I think it’s the respect and love for each other outside of horny, and just enjoying the horny while it lasts. NOT having sex and having fun!!!!! >:) I’m evil!!!!
Post number #1038574, ID: 51a5f9
>>103853>>103854 let's break your legs and find out!
Post number #1038619, ID: 4f5b95
Yay!!! I love it when people become the solution for their problems <3 I need mine but we could do local anesthesia and we could pretend together <3 I’m sure you’d be really cute with limp legs too op <3
Post number #1038696, ID: 51a5f9
>>103861 You know what? I think a cute gurl like you deserve even better treatment and should get turn into a nugget <3 a limbless flesh torso with the only handle being your snappable neck!
Post number #1038720, ID: d02440
>>1038696 I love fuck nuggets
Total number of posts: 15,
last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1736003174
| Why in the hell is wheelchair-bound pussy so damn erotic?! Something about their inability to walk is so alluring and make me want to pick them up and fuck em senseless. I can't believe I don't see people talk about wanting to mess up immobile girl everyday, why wasting time talking about self-proclaim mentally ill girls that are all literally the same instead of spending time breaking in a paralyzed puss?!
will normal girls even have a chance?