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I sucked my best friend's dick

| I met him on discord ages ago, but we recently met in person cause I traveled kind of close.
It was honestly kind of fun

| Great

| Awww that’s cool! Mine is such a good boy I wish he’d let me. I hope you don’t drift apart

| I love sex.

| >>1031016
its not fair..i want my peener sucked too..

| that easy?

| >>1031036
I would…

| >>1031051
i want it sloppy and messy!

| >>1031058
I want to I want to I’m droopy seeeeeee *pulls mouth open and drools cutely*

| >>1031085
i want it even more now! drool like crazy!

| >>1031201
aaaaaaa i'b droobgggglgig for u *gargles with drool running down my mouth onto my clothes*
*looking you in your beautiful eyes*

| >>1031203
uyuooo so much it’s overflowing! im ready!

| I love seeing people matching and having fun

| >>1031204
and it’s all MINE!
I pull it out and slurping and licking up every drop on your pretty cock, knocking into your warm body in my clumsy excitement and almost falling over, clinging to you.
I look up and slowly take it in my mouth. You see a glimmer of emotion in my eyes

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1729894617

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