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Girl’s DO want the horny weirdo

| girls are horny weirdos too! simple as!

| okay but at least they don't do things like pooping which tbh it's more weird

| Mmmhggg stinky NEET hikki girl that read VN 8 hour a day and slick until she passed out everynight are alright, but I prefer mentally ill girl with good drip any day of the week.

| >>1031013 the first one is good yes yes
Stinky loser girl I can sniff who's a pervert weirdo

| >>1031013
i-i need the first one immensely..

| You’ll get tired of her after you cum and leave her all alone. I will never know love and I’m upset about it!!

| Say it with me g/u/rls!!


| >>1031088
me too!

| I need a smelly and gun nut girl that I can bomb children with ASAP!!!

| switchy hypnokinkster pervert weirdo girl who wants to end hours long back and forth conditioning and mental programming sessions by lazing around playing animal crossing and reading to each other from whatever books we're in the middle of and cooking meals together in a cozy plant-filled kitchen and enjoy late lazy mornings brewing different coffees together and-

| >>1031240 hey that's me!

| >>1031367 can I rape you, please?

| >>1031367 sent address

| >>1031367 what are you reading right now? I'm partway through a pulpy fantasy detective thing, working on a reread of Gravity's Rainbow, and getting ready to start The Familiar by Mark Danielewski. I'd love to trade some book recommendations!

| >>1031088 literally me

| >>1031088 so true

| >>1031451 I just finished Ubik by Phillip K Dick and I'm planning to read Nausea by Sartre next

>1031376 i can't exactly say yes to this question, can i

| >>1031541
How did you enjoy Ubik? It's one of my favourites btw

| >>1031541 Ubik's been on my to-read list for a good while. I've got a collection of Sartre's plays on my shelf that I've been meaning to get to for a while now as well, might crack that open alongside The Familiar when life is a bit less busy after the end of this month.

| >>d263c0

| >>1031545 I liked everything except the part in the middle where she took her shirt off for no reason, that was a little unnecessary. Fantastic scifi book, though, my favorite since The Peripheral

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1730434662

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