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Euthanize me

| What if um w-what if you uh maybe held me down and uhh kissed me while you give me a lethal injection right into my neck and and and held me so tenderly as the light fades from my eyes and my body goes cold

You know just normal girl stuff

| I would inject you with heroin and sleeping drugs and take you back to my home instea- DON’T trust strangers to euthanize you g/u/rl pretty gurls like you have to be careful!

Now how could I convince you you were in heaven so you’d be my angel….

| Hot.

| Normal gurl mention?! Hello, sole normal on /u/ here. That seem like something I would do to you OP, but maybe not the hand holding part, that a bit too personal.

| i've seen this idea except themed around putting down puppy girls, holding them close as they tire themselves out and fall asleep for the "final" time. Granted that idea was involving a harmless saline solution but still.

| >>1024475
Normal-Chan! You haven’t posted in a little! So happy to see you :3!!!!

| >>1024460 LET'S GOOOO DRUGS
>>1024475 sorry for being too forward normal-chan>.<
>>1024525 that's kinda the idea I was going for yeah. I like it a lot

| >>1024537
Mwah! Mwah! I would open you up while you were asleep and put in injector in you that gave you mdma every time I went inside you, and a little cocaine every time I slapped your pretty bottom
I would put a little lsd in your food so every meal we had was magical
I would a heroin and roofies injector in you too that detected whenever you were feeling sad and put you right to sleep so you can wake up cheerful, without a memory of it

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1724092196

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