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is this good/request

| https://flockmod.com/gallery/index.php?q=/post/view/1046563

how do i make it correct
liken mathemathically

also, open request. anything.

| A cute girl with a big smile!

| https://www.geocities.ws/eisnnlius/

| she's in an armchair, right? it's hard to tell upside down. i like it though 50K <3

| stylistic

>>1023566 damn, how did you find this heap of cringes? asking? it's a middle eastern kid's english... you must ve gotten it from gaza.
>>1023562 what kind of cute? seems like a fine idea. you can request more

too much warhammer arent you
>upside down
thats the point. i need it corrected though. in theorethical, numbered, on paper approach whatnot. like measures and such.

| >>1023655 yeah, your art is very stylistic.
I would like to see you draw Lea from crosscode, in exchange I will draw something you would like.

| Draw god holding a shotgun while riding a skateboard

| can you draw may guilty gear?

| >>1023687 >>1023707 >>1023709
>everything in a single post
>>1023687 i tried doing it, so since "drawing" dont mean colors, i havent put colors yet. i dont need any image in return, but if you have the time you can maybe help input me on how to suggest rendering refractions, based on the environment and material, like in glasses, so i can add it to your drawing
or redraw it in such manners

>>1023707 i need to know more about this "god", assuming wikipedia isnt lying.
i do the skateboard and shotgun i g...
>>1023709 i tried but it's upside down...

| Hey, congratulations! It takes guts to post your art, so good for you!

| ˙sǝnssᴉ dɐɔǝǝuʞ ɥʇᴉʍ ǝsnoW ʎǝʞɔᴉW + oᴉɹɐW ǝʞᴉl sʞool ʇɐɥʇ ˙˙˙ʎɐW ou sᴉ ʇɐɥ┴

| >>1023837 huh???
>>1023847 ahh... can you do this with images? this is from a site right?
like maybe ton of image. or just flip the whole phone

| >>1023826 beautiful may <3 if you need another project i'd love may and testament kissing to show my boyfriend but no pressure if it's too complicated!

| >>1023956 I'm kinda on budget papers so this is all I'm/can afford to share/draw.... https://ibb.co.com/HpMZy9w

| I thought it was interesting and very rich and full , but I don’t know much art

| >>1024349 s ok. you can...complain about anything and...call shrek and such... being insulting, constructive, altoghether in a single sentence...i mean...it's probably the same worth too. in length. or context

| >>1024447
I WANT TO SEE YOU SMILE AND ALSO TO MAKE LOVE TO YOU -My heart couldn’t bear it for me to criticize anything you’ve done g/u/rl!

I-I’d like if the rich yellows and oranges had a deep blue background with dark and light spots, and I can’t really sense characters in particular other than the deer, but rather the sense of a scene with movement.

| >>1024452 ....huh?

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1724123294

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