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Cute boys

| I want them

| Underage btw

| Felt like that's important to clarify I'm a shotacon

| like ok you're a shotacon but are you bountiful?
Do you have the huge milky tits for the child. Large thighs to let him sleep on? hm?

| >>1023043
Very responsible questions thank you for giving all of us something to think about

| i wish i was thicker and milfier for my child bf

| I want female tho

| Gaaaaaaaaay

| >>1023039 boy get the fuck off the internet and go outside. Please for the love of Christ stop posting on a horny internet forum board.

| >>1023043 I DO

| >>1023141 u need to get ON the internet. U need to shove your cock into the internet and be happy for our /d/ gurls.

| >>1023146 I post ass on twitter all the time, I'm a freak. What I'm not, is being OKAY WITH A MINOR ON /d/

| >>1023153 They said they want underage boys not that they ARE an underage. You misunderstood dear gurl.

| >>1023159 ohhhhh in that case OP should jump off a building

| >>1023153 on one hand i approve, on the other you've yet to demonstrate you have any moral code besides excluding children from public spaces. either way, kill yourself.

| >>1023153 its 2024 if you wanna call yourself a freak you gotta do more than post ass on twitter. have some unethical incest or something.

| >>1023167 g/u/rl how am I the villain for not wanting minors to be exploited on a PORN BOARD? Especially when OP literally said he wants kids???

>>1023173 I'm the g/u/rl that used to post about wanting to get punched, and also I just made the thread earlier talking about how I want a girl to abuse and hurt me. Safe to say I'm a freak I think.

| I’m MAGA, but even I say LET THE KIDS GOON!
They didn’t call the commies limp dicked for no reason!

| Pedos get the rope, and the snuff fans get new material

| >>1023175 you are not a villain. those have respectable motives, after all.
no, you are a fraud, a coward hiding in plain sight. your virtue signaling is a transparent ploy.
continue your pretense if you must, but know that your hollow gestures are recognized for what they are: a pathetic attempt to manipulate and a sign of your own moral bankruptcy; a way to feel important enough to get replies from anonymous internet dwellers.

| unfuck yourself. fuck the child, instead. have some fun for once in your fucking life.

| >>1023186 go bald about it man I couldn't care any less

| >>1023186 kill yourself

| >>102318
Yeah I see this stuff too but people go on’epic moral crusades’ because they’re powerless and hurting a la industrial society and its future. Also a lot of girls actually do get hurt in sexuality when they’re young. That’s why I think such people are maybe best ignored. I actually hope my gurls are doing ok : ) <3

| >>1023240 the broken ones must understand that their personal struggles should not become society's burden. by inflicting their wounds on others, they only create a shared misery that benefits no one. strength lies in facing one's demons, not in the convenient destruction that their crusade begets for other people, which only ends up leaving everyone wounded and lost.

or, in short, their trauma is not my problem. they should unfuck themselves.

| >>1023255
I want everyone to be happy and help each other. I think everyone’s problems ARE everyone else’s job to fix in a happy way, but as you said it’s too painful to just try to help others and see their problems. I think we should always make it a mutually beneficial thing, like kids could do something nice like put on a play or have sex with us when they’re old and we’re boomers in exchange for keeping them safe. That would be really nice. Don’t be too alone, we can be happy!

| A lot of the time people can’t fix their own problems, but they can help others in exchange for help, which is wonderful, the problem is just when they demand help and don’t make others feel good in exchange, which feels sad

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1723403027

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