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Got my first sexual experience

| it was a toothy BJ
I'm in my mid 20s
its only up from here right g/u/rls?

| yes, but only if you get down on your knee

| It was me who fucked your mouth

| this is why sonic had teeth

| >>1022611 Congratulations! I knew you could fuck OP in the mouth!




| RIP Wizardhood for you.
And yes it gets better

| >>1022808 thank you gurl yaaayyy :3

| Imagine losing your magixcs powers l-o-l
Couldn't be me!

| >>1023018
You said it gurl! No one will ever break my heart it’s all shriveled up and will never know love anyway hahahawaaaaaaaaaaaaa someone have sex with me in a nice way PLEASE

| >>1023050 damn g/u/rl, why and how are you feeling exactly like I do... Is this the fate of so many humans here on this earth? Why is love so scary?...

*Makes sex and love and cuddles included, with you*
*with passion and despair*
*kisses you on your lips gently while looking into your eyes*
Never give up g/u/rl... You're so lovely...

| >>1023072
Omg omg <3 ~I love you lovely g/u/rl~ <3

I heard a theory we adapted to societies where our parents got us married so that’s why we struggle with finding love on our own. I kinda like the idea of my parents saying “good gurl! Here’s your wife for you to love! Do a good job we’re proud of you!” But I know that system was gotten rid of for good reason.

Um… you never give up either lovely g/u/rl I appreciated your post and I think your partner will love your spirit

| >>1023105 thanks you for your words and thoughts dear g/u/rl

I do not know if we will find the best technique or system for long lasting love to flourish, but I hope, that we'll find the way someday

Same goes for you too! I hope you find the lucky person to be partners with!

| >>1023122
Absolutely cutie <3 it all starts with love and positivity, that’s all I know : )

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1723343475

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