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finally deepthroated yesterday

| ive never been especially confident in my head game but last night i just felt really shitty and lonely and found a guy nearby with a huge prick to suckle. we met at a park around midnight and i started in and it got me so turned on i just went for it and after the initial gagging it slid nearly all the way to the base~

i made sure to drain him and he wants to hook up again so ill probly message him next week

| Happy for you g/u/rl, glad you had a fun time~

I've found practicing on bananas works well for training your gag reflex (skin still on, otherwise it might break off and choke you).

| >>1021128
This doesn't sound safe. Isn't there a hard point at the end of a banana?

| >huge prick

how huge?

| >>1021133
Use the non-pointy end?

| >>1021128
might try this, thanks

idk, maybe 9-10 inches and girthy

| god his moans were so fucking hot too

| >>1021136
Both ends are hard and pointy??

| Whoah my pupils are dilated god that’s amazing but it’ I’d be so scared of diseases

| >>1021153
You can deepthroat while thdy wear a condom, too

| >>1021369
I might need to do that.....

| Good thing you don't live in London the only thing you deepthroat around midnight in park there is a knife lmao

| You should charge money you know

| Bitch

| >>1021516

| someone go to 4chan and tell him if he’s still there… they’re made for each other

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1722401194

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