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I was bullied and molested by my sister

| I have a 2 years older sister, who's now a serious doctor, and in her youth a fucking psychopath

ever since I remember my sister liked to tease me, supposedly defending me from others, but she was no better herself

the worst started when she was 11, and I was 9
then the storm of hormones probably threw up on her head

| she simply beat me, seemingly without injury, but still

once I asked what I should do to make her stop pestering me then she replied after a moment's thought

>show your pee-pee

and then it started - every now and then she would make me show my crotch as if it was a magic spell to stop the bullshit, with time she started touching me, and once she tore my foreskin (in the sense of exposing the glans, which hurt a little)

| After a year she got even more excited and started coming into my room at night, climbing into bed and seemingly for fun bulling, but always grabbing my balls and penis

it got worse when I was 11 years old, then she began to show me porn and ask if I can cum already

Once when my parents were away, while watching porn she normally pulled down her pants and started touching herself on her hairy cunt

| she told me to take off my pants and do the same, then when she noticed an erection (which I had for some time) she said


but she herself started to touch it and ask if it was pleasant

I shrugged my shoulders, and suddenly she spit on my dick and tried to put it in her cunt

something she couldn't end up doing, but she started to brush against my dick and so I suddenly released, and she commented in surprise

>holy fuck, sperm!!!

| the second time she managed to put the penis in her pussy, although she only said


and howled, and after a while she moved again and slowly standing up so I came quickly, but she continued to make me copulate against my will

| this nightmare lasted 6 years, because after 19th birthday she bent on moving her ass to the medical university, because daddy is the doctor and the firstborn must also be a doctor

of course for Christmas she returned, but somehow I began to resist because I did not like it at all

from these experiences I feel only fear of women, and even a kind of misogyny
probably because of this I am fucked up in relation to girls and women, even the famous gym did not break my psyche

| inb4 lucky guy, well fuck no, because bullshitting and preaching copulation with my sister was disgusting to me, and besides, after the first time I didn't want to do it anymore but she was able to keep hitting me or choking me only to make me want to do it with her

| inb4 mythomaniac
well fuck I wish it was a fantasy of some g/u/rl who didn't experience it, but no, it makes me cold and antisocial towards women
even through the change in behavior I was at the psychologist to whom mom took me
all in all, it gave a hoot, and I did not let off any steam from my mouth, which is a pity, because maybe that slutty sister would not smile so much and would have the stigma of a perverted whore

| I'm writing this because it's been weighing on my conscience for years, I'm under the influence of alcohol, and in addition, this bitch finished her medical studies and moved in with us

she does not have a boyfriend, but I know that a large number of men were seduced and destroyed

| in spite of everything since she came back I feel anxiety, even my strength has decreased during workouts

she often throws some strange and coquettish remarks, she walks around the house in her underwear, and for every outfit must have a short skirt and tights or some other stockings, because she must look attractive for the guys

I don't feel like hurting her, but I feel like that boy from over a decade ago

| why does this sound so similar to my own experience with my sister

| >>e3f438 lmaooo

| >>1016257 she just like me fr fr

| That's pretty depressing and I feel sorry for you. Move out when you can and make some distance, try to not live in spite and moving on is the best revenge unfortunately.

This is also in d so

>yo that's hot af, just describing my favorite doujin rn the detail just made it better

| Lmao just hit her bro she is a woman lol

| don't be silly, we are g/u/rls, you don't need to be shy around us

| next time she tries to seduce / rape you then fuck her in the ass. No spit, no lube, just shove it in with force and hatred

| This thread need a spin-off of OP's sister perspective

| >>fefb49 That would be pretty cool honestly

| wow. i feel ashamed that this was so hot to me. sorry, op. i hope things get better soon.

| Serious answer: move out and report her to your parents and the authorities.

/d/ answer: in order to overcome the damage she has done to your psyche, you must take your power back by switching roles. Either forcefully pin her against the wall and have your way with her, or become a better woman than she is, and steal away any guy she's interested in, preferably her male superiors at work.

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1718629835

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