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Pervy fantasies

| What are all your guys dirtiest fantasies? Mine is getting groped working at a bar.

| Mindbreaking someone

| >>5572cf ohhhh that's also really good. I wanna be the one mindbroken though.

| Put in the dirt with ants.

| >>96d1c1 like having them bite your body or?

| Eating heaping handfuls of ants while naked, then shitting out a great gob of ant carcasses

| h-hand holding *######*

| >>411fb0 lets do it

| also hot is emotionless sex, idk why

| >>1014983 okiii! Ruin me as you like :3

| >>411fb0 swoons

| I want to get bitten,like real hard, also want to bite back,tear flesh off almost

| >>6ab69e guro friend

| I waant to cum in someone's ears but I don't know if it's dangerous or not

| >>1015311 tbh I have no idea either. Might get an ear infection? Dunno tho

| I want to be wrapped up in latex and hypnotized and brainwashed and broken down until I'm a mindless drooling obedient rubber drone

| i want to get groomed and convinced to do immoral things again

| >>1015385 Gonna groom you and make you feel really sad!

| >>1015420 <3 u have my full devotion

| I'm too old to be groomed. Though I can still be abused in other ways. If only...

| >>1015455
You’re cute I just logged on to report another successful cum, but it would’ve been a pleasure to do it with you

| >>1015456 I just like being used by men :3

| >>1015455 ill find a way

| Missionary, full skin contact, make my back bleed, I won't stop till you passout.

| from cutesy foreplay to sweaty mating press

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1717734148

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