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how to casual sex

| gurls how does someone start with that? still a virgin at mid 20s so no clue how to even begin but I can't stand it anymore.
Should I bite the bullet and get some druggie hooker from the Trainstation???

| Make some friends and one of them will at some point want to fuck you

| I love sex.

| Don't do it! They're trying to steal your precious bodily fluids! Snuggle with someone who loves you and makes you feel safe.

| >>1014898 real, just keep adding friends and leave it to the chances
you don't want to force it

| Still a virgin at 30s. The horny urges will pass, trust me. It's all just hormones.

| Go on Grindr and ask people if they want to fuck (although be a little smooth about it, say they look nice and you want to have some fun, something like that). If you have a few good photos and don't have a blank or faceless profile like a fucking loser, there's a decent chance someone will say yes after a few tries. That's what usually works for me.

Also go to bars, concerts, places where extroverts go and be sociable. You'll find someone who wants to smash.

| >>1014950 this fr fr. My gurl dick stopped working in highschool and I'm gladful for it

| >>1014950
Thirding this. Once I hit 30, my sex drive plummeted. I still can enjoy it but sex is entirely optional now.

| My fear is I’ll become low energy and impotent without so many sex hormones, and even if I feel better, my life will head in a bad direction. I wish I could go back to my hormones before puberty, or at least that mindset. If lots of nice people really wanted to be fucked by me, and no one else wanted to do it, that’d be nice, but as things stand it’s not a positive desire for me. Did you experience that with the hormones decreasing?

| >>94ce40 I'm in my 30s and sex still owns

| >>1015055
You'll still have those things, sex just drops from the top 10 priority list. I actually get more stuff done now, lol

| Maybe I should like remove one testicle. If people call me unmanly, I'll say I did it for hitler!

| >>1014917 this sounds like something even harder to achieve

| >>1015315
Start with chatting with someone who likes you a little bit and work your way up.

It's funny I wrote this amazing hitler erotic novel where he traveled to this alice and wonderland like world and found love, at the end rejecting eva braun and choosing a path of love. Then AI dungeon shut down. I don't think mormons have abnormal testes though. Is there a religion which circumcises the balls?

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1717570802

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