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why is head petting in anime?

| And why it's feel actually good?

Maybe I'm wrong but i never met out of anime culture that would people head pat each other or in movies

Are we more lewd than others?


| It's cute, the more normie version is probably head scratches

| animals like headpats and scritches, humans are animals

| >>1014774 you mean I can breed animals?

| >>1014789 breeds you

| >>1014789 sure, other people have been doing this for thousands of years. unless youre vegetarion, thats where a lot if your food comes from if you can believe it

| >>1014799 thanks, i will going to get breed from cat and let my catboy grow up :3

| But whatabout when he's a catman? what then? ));(

| >>1014825 let's breed with him and make more catboys ^^

| awwww true love. and when you're old together?

| Headpats are so good

| Through headpats, self-inserts can reduce girls that they masturbate to into animals that they can tame and domesticate.

| >>d4c5d1 hot

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1717207316

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