Mating pressed my GF until she came 8 times


| HAHAHA!! XD cracks me up. HAHAHA!! Do you mind if I share this with my family on Face Book? Great gag HAHAHA!!

| ^

| I love sex

| Only eight?

| real?

| I love sex

| >>1011780 yes this is real

| >>b3221e >>1011761

| >>1011798 >>1011798 >>1011798

| >>1011798

| >>1011868 >>1011869 >>1011870 >>1011798

| >>1011755 *mating presses your sense of self worth and importance*

| >>1011915 mating pressed your mouth

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1713881306

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