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Why do guys like tight holes?

| Why?
My g/u/rl cock hurts when the hole is real tight, and after sex it comes out really tired.

Some tightness is ok but that whole thing about gorilla grip is just scary...

| *scronches ur cock with violence*

| most guys stroke themselves with a vice grip, so when they fuck someone who does not have a pneumatic press installed in their vagina they can't get cum

| I love seeing their face contorted and suffering as I insert, even if it hurt me too, it all worth it seeing someone else's pain

| >>1010695 the sadistic bottoms are real?

| >>1010663 :(

| >>1010695 my boyfriend says i look really cute when I cum, he makes me feel special
I should murder him

| >>1010713 good choice

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1712611165

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