When I pee My prostate expands causing me to shit.

| Just thought it'd be nice to share with You.

| Go to a doctor ASAP

| gurl you need medical attention, not our

| stfu

| >>1010667 say that to your prostate

| Incredible! However, if your PSEUDOMIND is not condusive to what I'm saying or what I'm feeling then there's *clap_sfx2* INCOMPATIBILITY. So listen to me when I say finger yourself

| Anyway I farted. When I peed

| agent40 on discord, ill help you out x

| I don't use discord

| Tell me ur 30+ without telling me

| >>1010966 I'm 22

| >>1011044 hi 22, I'm dad.

| 22 is 30 ur old don't fight it

| That sounds based as hell

| Also does anyone know why stimulating your prostate prevents cancer

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1712968871

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