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im bored of porn

| i have watched everything there is to watch on the internet. there are no more fetishes to try. finally i can be free.

| Try sex

| Yeah, same.
But have you tried boysmell? God I love to take a big whiff at a boy's crotch

| >>1008243 >any g/u/rl on this cursed website finding a boy to sniff
lol. lmao

| >>1008243 my boyfriend showers too often :c

| I love sex.

| Achieved 100% porn congratulations
>100% porn...
>100% porn...?
>100% porn...!
>100% porn ):

| Having 100%'d porn, you should 100% living a dignified and fulfilling life next.

| nah that speedrunning category is too dead, lack of competition ruins the fun ngl

| it also has really bad routes if you dont have godly rng, and im too lazy to learn how to manipulate it

| fuck niggers

| it's time for your rapist arc. >:3

| op have you tried bathroom tiles

| >>1008243 what about girlsmell though? Is it nice? Or is it stinky?

| >>1008221
Too much effort for nothing

| Shape yourself into your own desires, take some pics and get yourself off

| >>1008471 don't you like choking weaker person and verbally abuse them? It's funsie :3

| >>1008492 how do y'all do it
like i'll take that shit all day but i just cant give

| >>1008513 just have fun

| >>1008245
You can always get him sweaty and lick him-

| >>1008440
Hm, pusspuss smells like fish if unwashed, it's not the same as burying your nose in-between a boy's jiggly parts as you hold his warm rod over your forehead.
Gosh did I ever tell you how warm boy's rod is? It's so warm!

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1710873157

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