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Can we talk about the lazer fish?

| Surely you guys remember that uh... episode of the city, I'm wondering if it ever got like, completely resolved? I still hear stories from some crackheads or chippers in Redmond, shit like "BOY THEY'RE STILL OUT THERE! OUT IN THE WILDS, THE LAZER GOLDFISH!" or "I SAW MANBAT I SWEAR! HE WAS WEARING A PINK DRESS!"

So Now I'm wondering, are they like, kinda lucid or is it all hogwash?

| Probably fried their brain from too much low-budget sims

| The fish are gone dude, some guy is building an army of them and putting them in a box somewhere.

| I'd bet a gut punch they were on a withdrawal. What kinda manbat wears a pink dress?

| >>982832
The kind that is a man, but also a BAT

| Where's the blazers tho? If they got rid of the fish, what did they do with the lasers??

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1698726064

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