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Decrypted Comms

| There was some comms leaked last night from some of those SET units. I just decrypted some.
>"I've got a bad feeling about this."

>>"Remember the ROE. We're not here to fight them. No shooting unless they shoot at us first."

>"They're definitely going to shoot at us though. They don't like us here."

| >>"We don't fucking like them either, but they're not what we're here for. The closer we can get to our objective before shit hits the fan, the better."

>>>"This is Twilight-3! The cops just shot at us! Going hot! Going hot!"

>"So much for that! Weapons free, give 'em some lead!"

Cuts out after that. That's all I've got.

| Anyone willin' to take bets on scores?
I'll fly some drones and we can get some /real/ bloodsport going!

| >>978003
Bet; this'll make some crazy btl reel omae!

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1696468442

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