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Smoke in DT as fires rage on

| Apparently some fucking oil truck blew up when a distributor charge set by some Pinky went hot, now the 7th Street on Watson is a doggone inferno, and they can't control it at all! Fuckin' yellow boys didn't even have to do shit, bet they're grinning at the fact that their budget now has a surplus wwwwww

Tamara chummers! Let's see how thick the smoke gets!

| Dontcha mean Tamaya?

| My god how did DT become *even more* of a dumpster fire? Get it? Fire? wwwww

| >>978013
Thanks for explainin' the joke, I'm stupid and wouldnt have gotten it :)

| >>978018
No need for the irony you dip.

| Meanwhile in new Jersey, some rich old fart flew his plane into the forest and now the entire state is covered in a thick blanket of carbon monoxide.

| welp, it just got thicker alright...

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1696468655

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