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And so it begins.

| Hello Cyb.

It's not been long has it? I would be sorry for that fact, but the truth is that such fleeting emotions are meaningless to my purpose.

The first trumpet has resounded. With this first act, the City has awoken.

But it is not over.

The second trumpet is already being prepared. Deep within the Capitol; the pretender plays God with his people.

Here is my omen:

"Downtown will burn"

You are free to fight the coming inferno, or despair.

It makes little difference.

| -Viper in the Garden

| Nuh uh

| Oh great. Just when I finally got rid of my smoke alarm, bastard kept screaming when I made my special smoke poached eggs...

| >>976005
Your... what? Actually never mind I don't want to know.

| >>975971
What do you mean it'll burn? Literally or is this some more bullshit Figurative talk?

| >>976005 >>976175
I do. What's a smoke poached egg?

| >>976758
It's a poached egg slow cooked over a bed of hickory chips that I burn inside my living room smoke-house setup.

Once you've had one, you can't go back I swear.

| >>976811
You, just what?

| I've seen the people gettin' moved out and the firefighterss waiting in the shadows, this is chip truth.

| >>976948
I said what I had to say, tasty shit.

| >>977412
Fucked up rightly.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1696041554

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