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>I cannot exist in the minds of those who think accurately.

| >"I cause people to drift into inharmonius & unpleasant environments, in the home, in their places of occupation, in their relationships with relatives and acquaintances, and to remain there until I claim them through the habit of drifting."

>"I can best define the word "drift" by saying that people who think for themselves never drift, while those who do little to no thinking for themselves are drifters."

| >"A drifter is one who permits themselves to be influence and controlled by circumstances outside of their own mind."

>"They would rather let me occupy their mind and do their thinking than go to the trouble of thinking for themselves."

>"I break down independent thought and start people on the habit of drifting, by confusing their minds with unproveable ideas concerning a world of which they know nothing."

"I cannot exist in the minds of those who think accurately."

| B






| Uh... that sucks?

| There is no reason for any of this.

What are you learning through it all?

Deeper. Dig deeper.

There is no reason to, and no reason not to.

So mote it be.

What point is there to a question if it does not have an answer?

What does an answer do but kill a question?

It is better to have more questions than answers.

It is better.

What are you doing here?

Answer honestly.


| This has proven disappointing.

I'd expected more from the likes of you.

Maybe I should add more incentives?

What exactly is required to incentivize honest self-exploration?

Maybe more pressure, more negativity.

That's how you like to do things anyway.


Negate this:

What is the point in even being on here if you're not going to try to figure out what exactly is going on?

What do you do when you've answered all of your own questions, except >rot away inside?

| Stagnation is an illusion.

Decay is a truth.

Growth is a truth.

There is no middle ground between 1 and 0.

There is only 1, 0, both, neither, or all.

5 possible choices to take in life, test it out in your own experience and prove me wrong.

But not choosing is an illusion.

Not choosing is decay.

Not choosing is death.


For God's sake, >choose next time.


| https://youtu.be/APPJ2uVjFEM?si=3FooPJvSut9bCMjh

This one time, I'll give you the answer.





24 was the key.

But this isn't anywhere near as fun anymore at this stage, >is it?


| Kindness uh? What's this about..

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1694051000

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