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If the situation was hopeless..

| You wouldn't be here in the first place now, would you? A flame burns as long as you feed it yet each time you gaze back the faint light of this one still remains, yet I wonder..

| Yet WE wonder*, why? what brings your gaze back to the flame every so often? You know the others have stopped, but not you.. You're still here.

| You're still here

| You're still here

| You're st//ill her-%%e

| YJ+p0TDx3Djtk1pER0+mdDE9rul74z6qWWG5tRxxf9s=

| My flame is slowly going out... never mind, that's just the battery.

| "We"? Who's "we"?

| As for why... I'm a sentimentalist who's loathe to close a door.

| >>970291 :)

| >>970438
Aren't you, also, still stoking this fire?

| >>970490
Indeed we are! Within our own reasons too.

My apologies there, we though that part was obvious.

| >>970559
... I suppose it was.

What are "your own reasons"?

| >>970580
Because two things are still bound to happen

1) The flame lives on, revived and renewed it'll burn once again and I.. We* won't miss its' rebirth, we'll be some of the first to embrace its' warmth.

2) The flame will die out, finally, for good or for bad. Can you imagine coming back to see it gone? When all this time you could've witnessed its' anticlimactic end yourself?

Time of course cares not who's gazing, a watched pot will boil when it does, oblivious of your gaze

| >>970748
I see.

... I look forward to seeing your choice of kindling.

| >>970763 :)

| i wanna be your kindling daddy UwU

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1693149604

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