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| The fan club's meeting at an old bookstore called called the Property. Big 'un's going and a few of the smols.

If you want the big 'un to be... preoccupied, it'll cost you. 120k dynamocoin upfront.

If anyone else takes the offer before you do, not my problem. You said you needed information. You didn't say how I needed to relay it.

Take it or leave it.


| Aś ͢per͟ m̷y ͠Pŗi͡mary̛ D͟i̧re͠c̛ti҉ves,͟ a̷u̡t́h̢o̵ri͢ti̸es͠ ̡ha̡vȩ b̢e͜en͞ n̷otįfi̶éd͝.͏ As͘ p̧er͠ req͘uést҉ of ̛an ͏aff͢i̛l͘iated ͟p͘a̸r͞t̸y, a̡vai̢la͠bl͜e ͘a̴ff͡il̸i̴a̶tes̵ aŗe ͢re̡q̶u͘e̢s͢ţed̀ ͟t̴o ̧re̸sṕon̶d if̢ ͝able͟.̡

| >>677754

How cute. It's only a matter of time before someone asks where your box is, "Merlin."

We'll see how much its worth.


| >>́6̧77͟7̨5́4
As̨s͢u͠m͢ińg each pa̡rt̨ iş be͜i͡ng boug͢ht̀ at ̧thȩ lo͏w̡ès͜t ava͜i͢làbl̶ę p̸r̸i͢c͜e͞, t́h҉e͡ ̸entirety͘ o̴f̵ ͢t̕h̡i͢s͏ ́s͝yst̶e͠m'͢s ҉m͏ainf͞rame i̧s͠ ̵es̶t̶imated to͝ ͠co҉st approx̛i̛m̛at͘e̡l͟y 89234̸189 ̷nuy͝en exc̷lu͝din͏g ͘s͞hip̀pi͘nģ pric̸ȩs ̴an̵d̛ ̕possįbl͡e ҉in͞st̛al̛lat͢io̸n͢ a̷nd ̸s҉oftw҉are e̢x̡p͏en͝s̀es.͢

| A̸c̛cordi͡ng ͝t̴o my̴ ̨e͘stim͠ati̢òn͢,̧ ́ýo͏u cur͞rentl̶y ̧po̵s͘ses͜ no capabi̸ļity ̕of͘ ҉tr͞iangu̴lat҉in̛g ̕my m͠a͟i͘nfra̷m̀e's͘ p̢ri̸mary͠ loc̛a̢t̶ion҉.҉ ̵A̷lter͞ǹàtivel̕y,͠ y͞o̷u wo͞ul̛d b̸e e͠li͠m͠i̛n͠ate̸d̨ as҉ a̛ pos̵sib͏ĺe t͝h͜ŗe̵a͠t̸ t̨o̢ ͝com҉plet̷io̧n ́o̡f m͏y̕ Primary̛ Di͢rèc͟ti͏ve͜s̨ a̡l̕on͠g̶side ̛a̷ny of ̶yo͞u̶r͠ ̀a͠ff̶il͝i̡ate͡s҉.͝

| >>677761

Overvaluing yourself much? Something that costs a few mill can at least afford human readable script, instead of running it through a font processor to sound more edgy.


Eliminate me, baby. That's the hottest thing I've read all week.


| >>6777̶64̸
Re͠ques̕t́ d͏en̵ied̴. ͞A̵s̡ yo͞u ͘s̵t̕i̢l͜l͟ pos҉s̵e͟śs͞ ̛nò ̕cap̀a͜bi͜l͞i͟t҉y ͢o͏f̵ ţh͢r͡ea̕ten͡ing t̶h̕ę ͟c͠o̡m̀ple̵t͡i͘on o̧f̴ m҉y̶ ͟P̛ŗim͢a̸r҉y͞ D̴i͡re̢ćti͞v͠es,҉ pe͘rfo͝r̵m͞i҉nģ activ͟e̡ ͠defe҉ns͟i͏v́e ͏acti͘o̧n ̛wa͜s̵ ̀deem̕ȩd͏ ́c҉ost-͞in͘éf͞f̴e͘c͠t̢ive҉.

| >>677764 >>677769

Get a room you goddamn razorboys.

Its been forever since we gotz a hidden thread. Anyone refresh da hidden scallion wikis? I got a few buyers who are willin' ta pay top nuyen for fresh ones.


| >>677764 >>677769

Lotta kids running around the shadows these days. They don't get geeked quickly enough.

Anyway >killamanjaro,

Some of these might suit your tastes.





Some of them might have an orange level ICE to get past. It'll check if you're a shield or not- tech's nova hot, and if you're not a NARC, it won't be a problem.



| >>677771
I always wondered how they come up with some of these urls... -Tower

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1594379961

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