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Steel Panthers Statement


The STEEL PANTHERS pro-lilim rights policlub supports the recent movement by law enforcement to increase numbers, training, and equipment cautiously, noting that less than 15% of currently registered GCPD officials are lilim or classified as "synthetic life forms."

In order to prevent a repeat of the Dawn Massacre committed by suspected human supremacists, the STEEL PANTHERS demand that the GCPD institute mandatory sensitivity training and increase-

| -the synthetic life form percentage of their staff from sub 15% to 30% minimum- for which augmented individuals are not considered. The STEEL PANTHERS note that humans who choose to augment themselves do not classify as "synthetic" life forms under current modern day understanding of "artificially" created sentients versus "organics," nor do catboomers or other individuals augmented for cosmetic or health related reasons.

| "As has been previously argued, synthetic rights are not human rights, and it is ignorant at best and speciesist at worse to suggest otherwise. The STEEL PANTHERS stand for ALL RIGHTS of all SYNTHETIC life forms, and will not tolerate or accept lobbying on our people's behalf by those who would subdue us... if it met their interests."

-JAY-9, Chairperson, STEEL PANTHERS.

| Isn't there a trademark issue since JoyCO's special augment that Panther Augments

| >>677746

You know what they say, its not illegal until the police (or I guess courts) make it one.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1594356822

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