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Red Mask- Dead!?

| Title.

Supposedly GCPD has someone in the morgue, no suspect but a bunch of powered armor supposedly got locked up.

I'd say- about time.

| Again?

| Nope
-Black Panties

| >>677654
Well now I'm curious on who this is then.
Could try hacking in to the morgue's records
got an ETA for them OP?

| >>677656


| >>677659
Either I suppose
ETA on when they got to the morgue should help me find it better but time of death would also work if you got it.

| Oh, name of the morgue too.

| Of course if it's locked up
Could possibly also get a free set of power armor.
If anyone would be up for it when I find the area.

| >>677661 >>677662 >>677673

No hits on the ETA, but TOD was over the weekend, during some holiday or other with a lot of fireworks. Not sure what the deets are, only that the fuzz were swarming like flies over the corpse.

Can't verify this but I think it may have been at East 32nd Precinct.

| >>677674
I'll look in to trying to hack in to their records. Some stuff will be public record but they wouldn't have the info on the belongings with them.
May take me a bit to work through all the files. However, shouldn't take me long to get in, most don't think to secure some files on dead people.

| >>677682

right you go do that. best as i can tell they were some richfag at a local preppy school. Probably why they could afford the power armor.

| hmm... -CN

| >>677682

>Unfortunately, it looks like that anon was right... in spite of the GCPD's best efforts, you do manage to find the following information on the "Jane Doe."

>Clothing seems to match the uniform of St. Miriam All Female High School.

>"Jane Doe" is actually a young girl named Molly Parsons. She was fifteen, and had just finished her freshman year of highschool.


>Family seems to reside on the outskirts of Chapel-3.

| >Both parents deceased during the White Knight Civil War.

>Survived by Aunt, Miranda Samuelson, and cousin, Tessy Samuelson.

>This is as far as the GCPD record goes for now. It looks like an autopsy is ongoing and has yet to be updated.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1594362997

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