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my name is MAD DONG, AND i HATE every single one of you.

| by TEN PM TONITE, i will BLOW UP a EATING JOINT, just to show you all how serious i am about my hate.

get ready you shadowfags. for MAXIMUM DONG.


| A̵s̴ pér ́my͟ Pr̕im͟ár͡y ͢D̡ir͢ect̷ives͡,͏ au͟t̡h͟o͜r̀iti̸es͡ ̡ha̷ve b͝een not̨i̷fie͘d.

| >>677256

suCC my COCK larper


Rèq̨ue̛s͟t deni̴e̡d͘.

| >>677263

mOR like Request GRANTED.


| >>6͝7726̴5
You ̢appea͞r̵ t͜o͘ h̸a̸v̀e ͏a ͠m̡a̛jor ҉fla͝w i͜n͜ your ͟áb̵il̨i͏tỳ ͏t͞o ͘f͜o͝r҉m ̵l̴ogíc c͜ha̴i̵ns̛..

| >>677268

ILL shownYOU a flaw


| >>6͝77̕2̢7̕9̷
҉I͡n̛ ͟ád̀dit̕i͜o͢n ́to lo͞g̢ic͡a͏l ͝f҉all̨aciȩs, ͘y҉our e̛n͝t̸i͝re sp̷ee͘ch ̕pat͜t̢e̴rn a̛ppears ̧t҉ơ b҉e̵ ͏d͏ȩgr̨adi̢ng ̵at ͘an a͏la̵r̡ming ̧p̧ace,́ ͝h͘i͢ghĺigh̕te͟d̡ b̶y t͏h̵e m̶is̢use̛ ̧ǫf͘ tens̢es. ̷Y͠o̕ù'͞rè h̴ighĺy ͟a͢dv̨i͞sed̡ ̨t̸o ̡c͜onsul̨t͠ ́ą ̵m͡ed̢ic̢al͏ ͏pr͡of̧e̶ss͏io͢na̸l as so̶o͟n̛ ̡a̢s p͢os̀s̕i͠b̀le͜.

| >>677286

you'LLl nEeD a profEssional when I'm done Woth you!


| >67͞7̷2͡8͞8͡
͠T͡h̨i̶s s̨y̶s͢tem̨ i͠s̵ ͞c͞o̴mp̨lȩt̸e͠l̡ý ̨sel͟f-şu͟s͏ta̢ine̸d̵ ̶and̸ ͘re̡q̨uíre̕s ͘no͢ ex̷t̷e̷r̛n̛àl ̶o̡ver͏s͏ig͏h̡t.

| >>677295

We'Ll See aboutt thAt wHEn yeR gUTs arE splAtteRed OVeR thE SiDeWalk!


| >>6773͡00
My ̴main͡frame ̧c̕o̢i͜n͡t̸a̡in̵s ̢n̶o orga͡ni̡c cơmponen͟ts.̨ ̀T͟h͡e̡ręfor̴e͟ ̧I̷ ha̛ve̕ co̴me̷ t̵o ͟a cơńclusion̢ ̵tḩa̶t͞ t̕h̨e ̢cours̶e̷ of e̷v҉en͞ts͟ ̛yo̡u h̴ave ̷pre̴d͘i̕ct͝e҉d͟ ͘is̕ u̷nlikèl̕y͜ t͜o͘ occ̕u͟r̶.

| >>677315

So YoUre SaYIng theReS A ChAnc E?


| >>̵677328
͏Cu̶ŕrent͘ est͞ima̕ti҉òn s͡hóws͘ ͟u͡p ͘to 0.0͟045̶% ́c͝h̛a̸n͢ce͠ ͏t͞h͜at́ ҉a̶ ͜chai҉n̛ o̴f͡ event̛s ̸ļea͜d͠i͠n̕ǵ ͟t͝o͏ th҉i͏s҉ s͠p̛ećific ̡futur͢e cou̡ld͟ ͘get ҉t͝ri͝g͡gered̸.̵

| >>677335

I LoOk ForWard To DeSecRATInG YoUR ChAsIS


| This guy literally just orgasmed from knowing there's a chance to ravage Merlin's mainframe.

"So YoUre SaYIng theReS A ChAnc E?"
This shit is more one sided than an abusive partner.

| >>6̵7̕7̷3͡46
͜It woul͠d a͘ppear ţhat͢ the ùs͟e̢ ̢of t͢h͘e ţe̕r̷m "si̕m͜p"̕ i̕s ̀va̧l̡įd in ͢this̸ ̕s̕it̕ua͡t̷io͠n.̸

| >>677335
that's pretty high a chance tho, I wouldn't take it.
what are the chances their guts get spilled instead ? I wonder...

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1594320653

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