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Buying any and all paydata on NDSEC Staff and their familiies.

| starting at 300 nuyen, willing to go as high as 4000 if the info is right.

chop chop! There's business to be had chummers!

note: bazaar thread is bloated and i didnt feel like making people dig through all that drek just to find my posting.


| >Someone starts tracing back 0Smand's general access terminal data.

| >>652832

>It doesn't take long, but this chummer was at least a *little* smarter than most- he's jacking in from a /burg/er joint!

| >Since he's jacking in, Someone runs a quick check for his network connection system's physical MAC address to then ping a travel log from his local area's roaming services...on the off chance it's a Lilims that may have had any wireless updates on the way there.

| >>652907

>Done annnnnd done! It doesn't look like a lilim, however... this system lacks a certain "finesse" that would be indicative of artificial life. You do get access to his Welp profile, however, and see where he checked in at this particular /burg/ about two hours ago, and was previously at a Stuffer Shack.

| >Someone attempts to get street can logs from point to point and checks for any transactions while they're at it.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1588879348

This thread is permanently archived