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| >a shaky virtically filmed trideo comes up.
>on it theres a large beam of light blasting across the sky, followed by a bassy thump and explosions. The camera guy is looking down and sees a mecha crab with a belt of bullets coming out its mechanized claw. It shields itself as a hail of arrows that explode come at it, looking up its a seagull with a king of crossbow gun... thing.
>they continue to fire at each other explosions and noises crackling the audio recording.

| >the shakey trid continues as the giant mecha crab leaps up with jet pack legs and punches the seagull out of the sky.
>HOWEVER the seagull pecks the crab and knocks them off them before doing a loop and flying back up
>then the seagull expands their wings and fire off jets of lightning from between their feathers knocking out the crab once it hits the ground.
>the seagull nose dives and just before it hits the crab it swings and knocks it away with its claw!
>the trid cuts out

| This is still going? -CN

| >>598698
Yeah, no fucking idea how.
Who keeps supplying them mechanized weaponry?!

| >>598699
The real question is why? If it's some kind of experiment I dont get what they're testing. -CN

| >>598700
Where did they even come from?
Or are they just stealing the weapons
this is so foncusing.

| >>598701
Well I first saw them years ago, back then they were just a normal seagull and crab. I'm not sure how they keep getting like this. -CN

| I am anticipating for the awaited sex scene. How long is this foreplay going to continue on for?

| >>598702

Who cares? This is a like a gift that keeps on giving, even when you beg it to stop. I love GC

- Dusty

| Holy shit. -Janeiro

| This reminds me of the spider tanks somehow

| What are these things fighting over? Are they being controlled by warring factions?

| >>598796
Well CN said they saw them when they were just crab and seagull.
So, got any highlights on this CN?

| >>598712
Well I'm convinced this one wont ever stop now...
Well I remember this one time when the seagull first got mechanized it made quite a show flying around the skyscrapers before attacking the crab again. -CN

| Old grudges maybe?

| Huh.. Ok

| In a strange sort of way, I'm glad to see that this particular battle has never changed.

-Tiger Tim

| I’ll have to get front row seats to their next bout. Maybe I could even sell the trivid back home too

- Dusty

| >>599143
Kind of nostalgic in a way.

| These are the sorts of things that happen nowadays. Let's face it, government is fucked, The White Knights don't do much to protect people anymore, and shit blows up every week.

Just another day in the life at this point.
- Shiro

| >>599628
The white knights are long gone. Of course they won’t be doing anything

- Dusty

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1570020647

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