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What's the latest?

| Spent a few months completely in the dark, living... Somehow. Somewhere. So, what's been happening lately?

| Gas attacks, mostly but it died down

| Hmm
A war that ended before it even started.
Some Ai named toth
Gas attack
And some trideo game thats not star-crossing

| A war that... Ended before it started? How so?

| >>199825
Power company pulled the plug on the government, and then they were banned from tea.

| >>199825
UK attacked, jinterprise or whatever they are called cut off power in the UK as punishment.
Thus it was called off before it even started.

| shit litterally erased their presence from GC

| Huh.
Seems... Kind of petty, but then again, I've done stupider things

| Ah yeah, there was a huge red beam in Flooded and floating debris rising up in the sky.
It stopped after a little bit and then an explosion happened

| Then I crashed a plane into uptown.

| Nice one

| >>199841
Thanks for the booze btw

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1521907455

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